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Simple Health Tips To Empower You In Your Pursuit of Wellness


Vit. D

Supplemental Vitamin D should be taken with fat, the first half of the day so it does not interfer with melatonin prouduction

+ Health takes effort

 Be willing to participate in your wellness plan

Practice Intentional  Breathing

This helps with stress. Breath in 5 seconds, hold 5 seconds, breath out until you expel all the air. Repeat

Drink Water Upon Waking

This helps rehydrate the body and gets things moving

Avoid GMOS

Scientists have warned *** GMOs could create allergies, new diseases,  nutritional problems, & toxins


Be Aware of Nutritional Deficiencies That Your Medications May Cause!

Ask your medical provider to fill you in on what depletions your meds. may cause so you can supplement for it! Example: Lipitor = CoQ10 deficiency!

Avoid Industruial Seed Oils

For the sake of your health, avoid industrial seed oils. These include canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, grapeseed oil, peanut oil, ricebran oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, and sunflower oil. Beware of products that say "Vegetable Oil" or "Vegetable Oil Blend"


Beware of any marketing that claims zero calories, zero fat, zero sugar. What ever is in that can or box will not support your body but only harm your body!

Avoid Flouride

Flourosilicic acid  (floruride), placed in municipal water sources and in some products like  toothpaste and meds. is a byproduct of phosphate fertilizer production, and has various other uses including rust removal cleaning products. Critics of fluoridation of municipal drinking water point to various concerns including neurotoxicity and reduced intelligence in children who ingest it routinely.  For health sake, filter your drinking water and swap out your toothpaste.

Vit. C

Liposomal Vitamin C is superior to all other forms of supplemental vitamin C taken for antioxidant use.

 Detoxing reduces the load

Detoxing optimizes your body’s ability to perform the natural functions required to achieve and maintain + health. 

Processed Meat = 44% Increased Risk of Developing Dementia

Consuming  about 1 ounce, (3 slices of bacon), of processed meat per day is linked to a 44% increased risk of developing dementia.



Smiling relases 3 feel good

hormones, endorphans, dopamin & seratonin. 

Be The Reason Sombody Else Smiles

It's good for you & It's good for them

( :

Take Note of Possible Toxins in Your Home & Make Swaps

Examples: "air fresheners", candles, cleaning products, cookware (Teflon), dryer sheets, Incenses, personal care products, plastic drink holders, plastic food storage, plastic utensils

Ladies, Soy Can Be O.K

Soy has been misrepresented. Organic, fermented soy  foods are healthy. Organic soy milk is healthy.

Get Grounded

Grounding changes your blood in a health positive way. Stand barefoot outdoors  when you can or use a grounding mat when indoors.

Get Quality Sleep

Not getting enough quality sleep regularly raises the risk of many diseases and disorders.

To Detox

Drink Plenty of water

Get restorative sleep

Eat organic - Eat fiber



Dry Brush

Deep Breath

Use Supportive supplements & herbs

Limit Refined Sugar

Sugar is addictive

Sugar hijacks your brain & your taste buds. It causes loss of neuroplasticity, inflammation, 

withdrawl symptoms, & makes you dopamine insensitive (sad, moody, tired and unmotivated)

Try For  (at least) 8 Cups of Water per Day

Hydration is needed to transport nutrients, lubricate joints, regulate body temp. ,aid kidney filtration and lymphatic flow, maintain skin integrity, energize muscles & softens stool

Restore Immunity & Cullular Health

with Omega 3 fats, polyphenols

(plant foods), and probiotics


What's The Best Diet?

Each of us have  specific nutritional requirements based on our genetics, metabolism, environment, ethnicity, ailments, sex,  lifestyle & if there are health issues we need to focus on. So the best diet is the diet that allows us to thrive; with the focus of nutrient dense, unprocessed foods.

Omit Refined Sugar From Your Diet

Despite the sweetness, sugar is not your friend. Research shows sugar negatively effects gene expression. This means it can do a lot of damage to your body, including colon cancer!

Prior To Taking A Medication

Always keep in mind- you do not have a deficiency in any drug. You likely have a deficiency in minerals and/or vitamins, essential fats or protien that are contributing to your symptoms. Test for deficiencies. The 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S.A. is prescription medications taken as prescribed!!!

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All information and statements presented throughout Pursuance, Pursuance of Wellness,(, have not been evaluated by the FDA, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. It also is not intended as a substitute or to take place of your physician or  other health care provider. Please consult your physician or health care professional if you are pregnant and/or have any questions or concerns regarding the advisability of the use of any product / products offered by Pursuance, A Pursuit Of Wellness, ( As well as any protocol or practice mentioned here.

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Pursuance, A Pursuance Of Wellness,

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