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The Elders are Blooming!

Take advantage of this incredible medical herb! Both the flowers and the berries are wonderful for addressing upper respiratory infections.

Today, the elders are in full bloom and it's the perfect time to pick some elderflowers. We are blessed to have lots and lots of elders throughout our property! These elderflowers can be used both fresh and dried.

If you to have access to elders, the elderflowers can be dried for teas and other uses, by laying the entire cyme on a large piece of parchment paper, cotton towel or tray and placing in a warm, dry environment, out of direct sun. Once dry, the flowers can be separated from the stems by gently rubbing them into a bowl or bucket. Discard any flowers that have browned. Store in a sealed glass jar.

Not everyone has elders growing in their yard, or other availability. Thankfully, you can find them in local herb shops or on-line. I will set a link below, for your convenience.

These beautiful, delicate, lace like flowers have antiviral, anti-inflammatory and potent antioxidant properties. A tea from the dried flowers will help to relieve cold or flu symptoms, an infused oil will relieve inflammation and a infused vinegar can be used in salad dressing! They are quite miraculous!

A Simple Elderflower Tea Recipe:

Pour boiling water over fresh or dried flowers and steep in a covered container for 10 minutes. Mix in a spoonful of local honey and find relief from your symptoms.

An Age Old Elderflower Tea Recipe used Historically:

*1/2 cup of dried elder flowers

*1/4 cup of dried yarrow leaves and flowers

*2 tablespoons dried rose hips (vitamin c)

*2 tablespoons dried peppermint

*Honey to taste (optional)

Bring 3 1/2 cups water to a boil. Place all the herbs in a 1 quart jar. Cover with the just boiled water and stir. Steep, covered for 30 minutes. Strain well. Add honey if desired. Place the tea in a thermos and sip throughout the day.

*All ingredients for the Age Old Elderflower Tea can be found here at Mountain Rose Herbs.

Elderflower Vinegar:

*Fill a jar with fresh elder flowers.

*Cover with vinegar.

*Let sit for at least a month, strain, and pour the infused vinegar into a sterilized bottle.

Use as you would any vinegar in a salad dressing and reap the antioxidant benefits.

Inflammation Relief Oil:

*Fill a glass jar 1/2 full of dried elderflower or full if using fresh flowers.

*Pour oil over it. You can use olive oil, sweet almond or jojoba. Sweet almond and jojoba is less greasy.

*Store in a dark cupboard for 2 weeks. You will need to shake the jar at least every other day.

*Strain the oil and place in a labeled jar. Store in a cool dry place

Use on inflamed skin such as bug bites, sprains and rashes.

You can find sweet almond oil and Jojoba oil at Mountain Rose Herbs!



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