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Try These Steps For Better Sleep

Who wouldn't want to sleep like a baby?

Many adults report not getting enough sleep. This is no small matter since sleep is vital to the regenerative processes of every tissue in your body. Lack of sleep elevates chemicals that promote inflammation and prevents the regeneration process. The longer someone goes without proper sleep the more they will experience dysregulation of hormones, immune response damage and chronic inflammation that can lead to disease of all sorts.

During a good night we cycle through 5 stages of sleep, each stage necessary to get to the next. We then cycle through these stages 4 or 5 times. During proper, restorative sleep our hormones go to work, our tissues build and repair and our brains are able to recover and replenish.

What Can You Do For Better Sleep? Let's try these steps...

  • Establish a routine of your sleep and wake time. It will turn into a habit and set your body to a rhythm

  • Turn down the thermometer. Our bodies like it cool when we're sleeping.

  • 2 hours before bed no screens. The blue light affects the brain and your body’s overall ability to relax and can cause the release of excitatory neurotransmitters. If this is impossible for you, wearing blue blocker glasses would be very helpful; if you already wear glasses you could use clip-on blue blockers.

  • You could do some gentle stretches, yoga or Qigong . Never exercise 2 hours before bed because it will rev you up. Of course exercise can help sleep only do it earlier.

  • Reserve your bedroom for rest, relaxation, sleep and intimacy. Do not work in the bedroom.

  • Limit your eating in the hours before bed. Watch what you eat before bed. Any sugar before bed and you alter the entire sleep process and the regenerative sleep cycle.

  • You may wish to incorporate some white noise. I find an air purifier ideal; it gives the slight white noise and it cleans the air in the bedroom. Another suggestion is to add an air purifier to your bedroom.

  • Help keep your bedroom dust free by frequent vacuums and wet dusting. Ideally we spend 6 to 9 hours sleeping. The air in our bedrooms should be clean air with minimal dust.

  • You may be extra sensitive to EMF, in this case grounding sheets or a grounding mattress cover may improve your sleep. If at all possible walk barefoot as much as you can through out the day. This will automatically ground you release the negative energy.

  • If you drink coffee you should limit caffeine; try not to drink any after 1pm.

  • What you eat throughout the day will affect your sleep. When you eat , avoid processed foods if possible as well as excessive sugar. Choose organic, whole foods as much as possible.

  • Stay hydrated through out the day. This keeps water in your tissues and helps flush toxins.

  • Last but not least, when you rest your head, practice gratitude. Close your eyes and give thanks for your blessings. Take your mind to the things you are grateful for.

Sweet dreams


Ask your question

  • How many of these steps have you tried for better sleep?

  • How has it helped you?

  • Write an answer


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