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What is Colostrum?

 Colostrum is “Mother Nature’s perfect first food.” It’s the nutrient-rich fluid female mammals produce in the first few days after giving birth. It serves as the first source of nourishment for newborns and is packed with essential nutrients, antibodies, growth factors, and other bioactive compounds. Colostrum nourishes the gut microbiome, supports the mucosal barriers (gut, skin, lungs, eyes, heart, etc.), protects against infections, modulates the immune response, and regulates inflammation.

This is huge! We all want a strong immune system as our defense against outside intruders. Our strong immune systems can prevent us from catching a bug, help limit the days we are down, and help us bounce back from an illness. Our immune system also regulates inflammation. And we all know inflammation is a leading cause of disease.

Therefore, keeping inflammation down goes a long way regarding positive health.

Most of our immune system is in our gut. That is why a healthy gut with a healthy gut biome is foundational to good health.

Introducing Bio-Avail Colostrum

Not all colostrum products are created equal. With Bio-Avail Colostrum you are getting 2.5 grams of cold-processed colostrum from grass-fed cows never given antibiotics, hormones, or GMOs. Plus, 100 mg of lactoferrin. Lactoferrin is a protein in the milk, tears, and saliva of mammals. It plays a vital role in defending against microbial invaders, promoting gut health, and enhancing the immune system's effectiveness. It also supports efficient iron metabolism—keeping it away from pathogens that require it and helping us to absorb it more efficiently. Lactoferrin is naturally present in small amounts in colostrum, however, a much larger amount has been added to amplify its benefits and provide better results. In addition, it contains 200 mg of beta-glucan. Beta-glucan is a naturally occurring polysaccharide in yeast, mushrooms, and other foods. It’s known as a “biological response modifier,” a class of compounds that regulate immune function. Beta-glucans help to “train” our innate immune cells, helping them to recognize and respond more quickly and efficiently to threats. Instead of boosting or suppressing the immune system, beta-glucans fine-tune it and restore balance. Today, balance is much needed. The autoimmune issues are at an epidemic proportion, this is an out-of-balanced immune response.

Give it a try

Bio-Avail Colostrum+ was formulated to rebuild your gut health, fortify and strengthen your immune defenses, and restore immune balance. Supporting the “gut-immune axis” is one of the most important things we can do to improve our overall health and extend our lifespan. Bio-Avail Colostrum+ promotes enhanced vitality, a more youthful and radiant appearance, and greater protection against the challenges of daily life. Wondering how to use it? You just mix it with 6-8 ounces of room-temperature water and consume it on an empty stomach.

Hmmm...Enhanced vitality, a more youthful and radiant appearance, and greater protection against the challenges of daily life sound wonderful to me! What about you? Want to give Adapt Naturals Bia-Avail Colostrum a try? I truly believe it will make your gut biome happy little guys! Check it out!



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