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Health Aids

We review this massager on our Review page.

Oh my gosh! This percussion massager works out those sore and tired muscles in a manner that gives almost instant relief. It literally melts those stiff, knotty muscles and spreads them out so they are not contracted.The massager has 5 speeds and comes with 5 heads and a convenient case for storage and transporting. The gun is light enough for most to use on your own legs and shoulders. You will need assistance for you back. There is no need to press, just let the massage gun do all the work. This is very well made and should last several years. It is well worth the purchase. You can find it here.

Health Aid+ Detox

This Durherm Infrared Sauna with low EMF and negative Ion is a portable Indoor Sauna that you can set up in any room and take with you if you like. It folds up flat for storage. A Chair and a heated footpad comes with it. It is a pleasant experience that uses low heat This sauna is wonderful for sweating and removing toxins from within your body. You can get your very own sauna here.

Personal Care + Beauty


Personal Care + Beauty

Used as a heal salve this will heal your dry cracked heals. It helps to place socks over your feet for the night. This is an all -purpose slave for dry, rough or sensitive skin. Certified organic and natural ingredients. Find it here.
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All information and statements presented throughout Pursuance, Pursuance of Wellness,(, have not been evaluated by the FDA, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. It also is not intended as a substitute or to take place of your physician or  other health care provider. Please consult your physician or health care professional if you are pregnant and/or have any questions or concerns regarding the advisability of the use of any product / products offered by Pursuance, A Pursuit Of Wellness, ( As well as any protocol or practice mentioned here.

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Pursuance, A Pursuance Of Wellness,

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